Respite Fife is a small local charity providing short break respite care to adults with learning difficulties in ordinary domestic housing. Respite is provided within two bungalows in Kirkcaldy. It was formed by a group of parents in 1985. Initially they ran as a self-help group until funding was granted by the Unemployed Voluntary Action Fund to provide short weekend respite breaks in Kirkcaldy in ordinary domestic housing, rented from Fife Council.  After the first two years, core funding was provided by Fife Council and Fife Health Board. 

Until 1996 the Service Manager was the only paid employee, assisted by a team of volunteers, who provided companionship and support to service users, both within the two respite care houses and out in the local community. A large injection of local government funding allowed Respite Fife to expand their respite service to include mid-week and seven-day periods of respite. This expansion allowed for the employment of full-time and part-time social care workers.  

Respite Fife's staff team has grown steadily throughout the years. The Service Manager continues to manage the respite houses on a day-to-day basis, assisted by the Deputy Care Manager, Office Manager and Senior Care Practitioner as well as a team of 14 part-time/relief care practitioners.  All staff are registered with the SSSC, are members of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups scheme (PVG) and hold a minimum qualification of SVQ level 3 in Health & Social Care.

The Respite Fife Management Board consists of representatives from parents/carers and service users.  An elected member of Fife Council is also appointed to the Board each year. The Board meet on a bi-monthly basis and has overall responsibility to ensure that, amongst other things, the funds received by Respite Fife are used appropriately.

Respite Fife is inspected annually by the Care Inspectorate.   Copies of the reports from these inspections can be found by clicking the link on our website

Barry Swan - Chair

Barry Swan - Chair

Scottish Charity No.SCOO3376

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